Exploring Greece With Lewis & Clark

Exploring Greece With Lewis & Clark

Sunday, September 30, 2007

finally on Lesbos!

Yes, we're here in our island paradise. Final exams are over, they were both a cinch... but now we're just relaxing! The ferry ride over here was amazing and silly. We were all so tired from the days leading up to the exam, and from walking all around Piraeus pier in Athens trying to find our ship, and everyone was in such a good mood for Lesbos we just stayed up and played cards and watched weird soap operas on the Greek TV that was on the ferry late into the night. The moon rose orangely; I'll post pictures later.
We got to Lesbos at about 7 a.m. on Saturday, and Iannis the hotel owner came to meet us. He loaded us into cars and we arrived at this fabulous place in time for breakfast. The hotel is like a compound, there's lots of buildings. It's right on the beach, and the view of Turkey across the water is amazing, especially at night when you see the the coast all lit-up. The day time too is amazing, though; the sun and the palm trees and grass... it's amazing here. Again, I'll post pictures later. I just kept having these waves of emotion, about how great our group is and how awesome this trip has been so far. And coming in and seeing breakfast all laid out for us... I nearly welled up in tears, it's so amazing here.
We "hosted" a humongous dinner last night and lots of people from the community came, including the mayor of Thermi! Afterwards, we were sitting around finishing our wine when the boys asked one of the guys that works here where a good club in Mytilene is. Oh man, I'm out of battery, I'll write more about that later, I swear. It's so great here. Eek!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Ahh that sounds amazing!! I can't wait to hear more. :D